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how to choose hot hat in winter days ?

 how to choose hot hat in winter days ?

how to choose hot hat in winter days ?

In the winter time ,hat always are hot decorate for woman ,but in fashion, there’s always that fine line between “cute” and “comfy.” In winter weather, this line gets even harder to walk. Whether exposing your juicy blow-out and trendy earrings to the snowy air or bundling up in tundra layers, each choice can expose you to problems like

 frostbitten ears, smashed hair or a lack of admiring glances. What’s a fashionable yet practical girl to do?

Watch Caps

Knit watch caps, also called beanies, are a great choice for a flattering winter topper. You can find them in practically any color and style of knit, from super-simple to embroidered and embellished.  If wool makes you itchy, try a fleece-lined beanie or cashmere, which can usually be tolerated by the wool-sensitive. This face-framing style should cover your ears and come to the top of your eyebrows, and is a good option if you consider your eyes to be your best feature.

the most cut hat for woman in winter 

Knit or felt berets are wonderful for fashion-forward girls suffering with the dilemma of whether to look cool or keep warm. Long thought of as a pretentious, pseudo-French statement, berets are now seen everywhere on fashionable celebs such as Dakota Fanning.  To get the most warmth and coverage from a beret, try a loosely knit, oversize version that you can pull down over your ears when the wind starts blowing.
Trapper Hats
The trapper hat is a perfect example of function trumping fashion.  After years of seeing slope-bound divas wearing these fur-lined, ear-flap hats, designers finally got on board and began sending flirty luxe versions down the runway with their fall collections. Trapper hats are seen from coast to coast and have been deemed “cute” by the fashion elite — a lucky break for girls who brave climates cold enough to freeze their eyelashes together.
Sherpa Knits

the hotest hst in this winter

These snug knit hats typically have a slightly pointed crown and braided “tails” hanging from each ear flap. Originally knit in high-altitude countries like Peru and Nepal, these ultra-warm hats are typically made in striking colorful stripes or diamond patterns. Newchic WW The flaps protect your delicate ears, and the braided, tasseled tails add a whimsical touch. These look especially cute with a heavy shawl or poncho. 
